Thursday, October 23, 2008

We have EXCITING News!!!

So, if you didn't already know....we are PREGNANT!!! I am only about 5 weeks, but it feels like a lifetime since we've had to keep this secret from all our family and friends! (we've only know for about 2 weeks but I am horrible at keeping happy secrets) We had big plans on when and how to tell our family about our news...we were going to wait until Christmas and wrap up an ultrasound picture in a frame to give to our parents as their presents. But, last Friday night I started feeling bad cramps that did not subside Saturday night, so Jamie took me to the emergency room just to ease my mind. The Doctor (who I didn't not like at all!) did not ease my mind...only made me feel even more scared. He said he believed I was having signs of an early miscarriage. I was so nervous, but I called an OB/GYN in Goshen who was able to schedule me for Wednesday...yesterday. This doctor was wonderful and showed us pictures of our baby. Okay, so it was more like a little black hole, but I immediately envisioned HER (yes, I want a girl!) with tiny little fingers and toes. He even gave us pictures to keep! We were so excited on the way home! I feel much more cramps...and a little less worried. There is still that chance that everything will go wrong, but I'm trying to think of the good things that are happening instead of the sick feeling in my stomach (morning sickness does NOT happen in the morning for all women...I get mine at about 5:00 at night until the next morning making it next to impossible to sleep) I can't believe I have to wait 8 more months until I get to hold little baby Smith.