Wow, has it really been 9 months since I wrote anything on my blog? I mostly post pictures and events on facebook or myspace, so I apologize that I have let down any blog friends. But, I have found a new love in my life in the past 4 months...the most handsome man in the world, my little Parker!! He was born on June 23rd, 2009 at 6:37 am. I was 5 days overdue so I was induced, but the induction started Monday the 22nd at 9am. My contractions became horrible about 2 hours after it was started and I was only 2 centimeters dilated. I was given an epidural and the pain immediately stopped. :) I have no idea how women give birth without medication....I bow down at their feet because I was a baby and needed some so soon. So what if I couldn't feel or move my legs or my feet, I was able to be in hard labor while playing on the computer, reading, and playing games with Jamison. I told the nurse to bring on the contractions, I could handle anything at that point. :) I pushed for about an hour, took a nap, wathced tv with my nurse and Jamie, tried pushing again....and about 6:30 am the doctor came in and woke me up to tell me that I had spiked a fever and the baby's heartrate had dropped a couple of times so he wanted to get him out as soon as he could. He decided to use the "caveman" way and pull the baby out with forceps....Ouch! I later learned from my nurse that no other doctor in that hospital still uses forceps...and I happened to be the lucky one who got that doc!! While he was placing the forceps around Parker's head we all heard a crack and the machine that kept track of his heartbeat went blank. Everyone stared at the machine and then turned to the doctor wanting to know if everything was ok with the baby. We soon realized that a nurse stepped on the plug and unplugged the machine. Parker came out perfect weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz. and 21 3/4 in. I immediately realized I had given birth to a much smaller version of Jamie! He looked exactly like Jamie's baby pictures. Parker is now 4 months old and it a completely different baby than the one we brought home from the hospital! He rolled over for the first time at 5 weeks and has not stopped...he now contiuously rolls to get any toys out of reach! :) While I was pregnant everyone told me how fast this time will go, but I didn't realized how right they were at that time. I love watching his new milestones every day. It's like looking at a whole new world with eyes of wonder and excitement. Everything is a first for him and it feels like Jamie and I get to experience these things all over again too. Babies are a true miracle and blessings from God.
Here are a few recent pictures of our amazing little man....