Well, since my last post just a few days ago, I believe God did not like my bragging about finally feeling better! Saturday night I woke up at about 11:00 not feeling quite right. My stomach started hurting and I had the beginning feelings of a fever and a cold. My night was then ruined even more by the wrenching of every muscle in my stomach when I started praying to the porcelain queen. This post is not to describe the way this upchuck looked or how miserable I felt, but to let everyone know that I have the most amazing husband in the ENTIRE world!!! Jamie took care of me better than anyone ever has throughout my life (and I seem to be sick a lot with many different "nurses") He stayed awake with me all night long because he knew how much I hate throwing up by myself because I'm scared of choking. This picture is of my nightstand and holds the things Jamie got up for all night and all day on Sunday to help me feel better. It includes: Saltine crackers to settle my stomach (didn't work :) ) , glass of decaf coke on ice, ice water, gatorade, chapstick, a hair tie so I didn't throw up on it, a thermometer, peanut butter crackers, my prenatal vitamins, benadryl, kleenex, a bucket to spew in, and a washcloth to wash my face. All I had to do was moan or move in bed and he would get up and ask what he could do for me! Sunday was spent on the coach and he only left my side a few times throughout the day. We watched movies, tv, and took naps. I still wasn't feeling good by Monday morning, so Jamie took the day off work to make sure I was okay and wouldn't need to go to the doctors. I feel so overwhelmed by the love he showed me during this miserable time. Sometimes I seem to forget just how much I truly do love him, and since I've been pregnant and hormonal, I have to admit I haven't been the nicest wife to have. I believe that God does work in very mysterious ways, and maybe I had to go through this to remember how much I appreciate my husband and not to take for granted the love we share. I have never felt more love than I did this weekend, and I hope to never forget this feeling.