Friday, December 12, 2008

New Updates

So, it's been a long time since I've posted my last blog. Our internet quit working would work one day and then be out for about a week. It's been kind of annoying for both of us, but I think it's back for at least a little while! :) However, I do have good news....I finally feel somewhat normal again!!! I haven't felt sick in about 3 days now which is a HUGE accomplishment. I have felt so secluded in the past 2 1/2 months because I've haven't been up to doing anything. I have become a complete couch potato. I realized during this time that I need activity in my life and I would not make a good hermit. I want out of my house more than anything by the time the day care kids are picked up. (Okay, so this has only been for the last 3 days since I only wanted to sleep all the days before this) :) We had 2 doctor's appointments last week. During the first the doctor voiced concern about our due date. Originally we were told that date was June 25, 2009, but when she looked at an ultrasound we had when I was 4 weeks, she realized I was 1 week further along. So, she scheduled another ultrasound....we were so excited and had to wait 2 WHOLE days until we could see our baby. It was amazing to see our little one and watch her move. It made all this sickness junk worth it!! It was determined that I was 1 week further along than expected...our new due date is June 18, 2009!! The best part of the day was that it took place on Jamie's 30th birthday! He said it was the best gift he could have ever been given!! The other gift I gave him was tickets to see the Temptations. (I really dislike them, but Jamie LOVES them) We are making the 2 hour trip to Merrillville tonight to see them and then returning afterward because he has a tournament game tomorrow morning. Nothing else new is happening in the Smith household, but stay posted because I am no longer a hermit and hope to start doing more exciting things very soon.


Jessica said...

i'm glad you are feeling better! and isn't the ultrasound an amazing experience!?! yay for an earlier due date! :)

Jess said...

how exciting that you are feeling better! i love that you call your baby a is so stinkin' cute! and if you ever want to get out of the are ALWAYS welcome to come over here :) we would love to see you guys more! love ya!!

jenn said...

yea for feeling better!!! i am so glad to hear that. and even more excitement for the earlier due date. i expect you to email me tons of pictures of your little one :). and i hope to see you wednesday. love ya...m.e.

Alicia said...

Yeah! It is sooo nice to be feeling better. I do too! :) Although, I thought it would never end!! And I am so jealous...we haven't had an ultrasound yet, not until Jan., but I bet it makes it feel even more real! And then we will know what we're having!! :) Glad for the update.