Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have some exciting news to share (you've probably already heard), but let me shout it from the rooftops.....Jamison and I are having a BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so I know ever since the day I found out I was pregnant I have been calling this baby a girl, but I was wrong...that's for Jamie because he says I never like to admit it...I WAS WRONG and I have never been more excited to admit that! :) We had our ultrasound appointment on Feb. 5th and the technician checked every inch of the baby for about an hour. Jamie held my hand and I fidgetted the entire time waiting for the words "You are having...." . We learned that all his measurements are exactly where they should be at this point, his brain is developing well, he has a strong heartbeat (this is why I thought he was a girl early on) , he has the cutest tiniest feet, he likes to wave to his mommy and daddy in the pictures, and he may be an acrobat since he likes to do somersaults in the womb. Then, after the first hour, the technician finally says very casually.."I see his scrotum and penis"....I felt like I couldn't speak. I guess I never even thought it was a boy all along...I wasn't expecting this news. My face grew hot and I think I just about had an anxiety attack. I didn't know what I was going to do with a boy. I knew how to dress little girls in pink frilly dresses and baby bonnets in the summer. I know nothing about boys, their toys, sports, and anything that I may need to know. This moment quickly passed when I looked up at Jamie and saw the biggest smile on my husband's face that I have ever seen! He has also been saying he thought it was a girl, but was dieing for a boy first. I then started thinking of how wonderful it is going to be to have a baby boy! Just thinking about having a little Jamie warmed my heart and put a smile on my face as well. If he's anything like his father I will have nothing to worry about. I will learn all I need to know along the way! All signs pointed to him being a boy...I guess I was just looking past them. We have had a boy's name picked out since before we were even pregnant...we were discussing baby names at Hacienda right before Landon was born with Matt & Alicia, Amos & Jess, Jenn, and John and Jessica. Matt and Alicia didn't want to tell the names they had chosen, but everyone was giving names they liked. I don't know who brought up this name (it may have been one of Matt and Alicia's rejects), but thank you to whoever said it.....Parker!!! His full name will be Parker Jamison Smith. I really wanted a Jamison Christopher Smith Jr. years ago, but Jamie was a little against it so we decided to use his name for the middle name instead. Right after we left hacienda we talked about how much we liked that name and if we ever had a boy we wanted to use it. Who knew it would be this soon?!! We got the nursery furniture at the beginning of January, but it hasn't come out of the boxes yet. Yesterday we received the bedding we ordered, so now we can paint the nursery!!! I will post pictures when we are finished. We miss all of you and can't wait to see you again. Parker wants to be out so he can play with Tyler, Landon, and Greyson...look out Grace and Baby Girl Hahn..the boys are taking over!! :)


Jessica said...

i already told you congrats, but i'll say it again...CONGRATS! boys really are so much fun. you will love having a little boy to protect your girls later on. :) parker was one of the names we considered...i love it with jamison as middle name. so good choice!! :) i'm glad he's healthy and you are doing well!

Jess said...

That is so stinkin' awesome!!!! I am so so so excited for you!!! I can't wait to tell Amos and Tyler will be thrilled to have another playmate! Gracie and Alicia Jr. will do well playing with the boys...they are going to have to :) Maybe they can tag team! I can't wait to see the nursery and we need to get together soon!!! We can't wait to see you! Love ya!!!...OH AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE PARKER!!!! :)

Alicia said...

YEAH! I'm so excited for you guys and Landon is too! He'll love having a little boy about his age to play with, but we'll probably have to keep your son separated from baby girl!! :) Congrats! Little boys are the best!! And isn't it so nice to know ahead of time what your having to get his room ready?!? :)