Ok, so I know I am probably the most horrible blogger ever! I just can't seem to find the time to post anything, but I just wanted to give an update on me, my wonderful husband, and our amazing little man that has taken over our hearts and home! (He literally has taken over our home lately!!!) I am absolutely loving my job...not only for the adorable kids I have the opportunity to spend my days with, but because it allows me to stay home with Parker. At this time I have two 1 1/2 year olds, a 9 month old, and Parker (who is 7 months). I will have a 2 month old starting in April, and another 2 month old starting in August. Yeah, you're probably thinking it...CRAZY! Although by the end of the day I am extremely tired and all I want is to speak to an adult (ok, truthfully...all I want is to not see another poopy diaper for the rest of the night, but let's be reasonable...Parker IS Jamison's son afterall!), I wouldn't change my days for anything. Jamison starts coaching track in about another month. Guess I will be a coaching widow once again. :( But, at least he gave up the other 4 sports he was coaching last year so he could be home at night with me and Parker. The track season only lasts for 6 weeks, and the weather will start to get nicer towards the end, so I plan on taking Parker to watch his Daddy in action. He is STILL in the process of finishing our basement. We have friends who built an entire house in the time it has taken him to create one room. He is currently working on our workout room...I am pushing him for this room because right now I have the motivation to work out, but I know it won't be there when he gets the room done (even if he were to finish it today) Don't judge...I am horrible and have an addiction to chocolate. I swear I can smell it 5 miles away!!!
And on to the cutest member of our family....RYKER!! Just kidding...it's really Parker!! :) Although Ryker is a very cute dog, he has been pushed to the backseat since Parker arrived. Parker is no longer a baby...we have upgraded to the big boy model. :) On his 6 month birthday (Dec. 23) he officially started crawling. He had been pushing himself up on all fours and moving one hand for a few weeks, but he took off across the room towards Jamie on this day! On that same day
he sat himself up from a laying down position. This was HUGE...it meant we didn't have to move him to get toys or keep sitting him back up every time he fell over. We were so excited, until the next week when Parker grabbed on to the couch and pulled himself to a standing position. I was thrilled, but then it hit me that I no longer have a baby! I was watching him grow up way too fast and it tore at my heart because I realized what everybody had been telling me was right...Time truly DOES fly by. That same week his first tooth popped through without too much fussiness from him! It was a busy break for all of us, but we were blessed that we both had the opportunity to witness all of these cherished milestones together!
Parker is now 7 months old and getting into everything in sight! He just may be the happiest baby I've ever met. The other morning I heard him waking from a nap and when I went in to get him, he was standing up in his crib with the biggest smile plastered on his face...I said Hi Buddy, and he raised his little hand and waved at me!! Tears started falling down my cheeks as I picked him up! His smile and laugh are the most precious things and make my heart melt every time. I didn't know there was this much love to give someone.
This post is precious!!! So is your family! I love hearing about all that Parker is doing...wow...really...growing way to fast! But I also love the pictures...he is ADORABLE!!!!
Ok. Emerson has those same pajamas...although technically they're hand me downs from Landon! :) Glad to hear an update on your family and all those babies! WOW! I want to pull my hair out some days with just 2! :)
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