Monday, December 15, 2008

"Beautiful" Mess

Well, since my last post just a few days ago, I believe God did not like my bragging about finally feeling better! Saturday night I woke up at about 11:00 not feeling quite right. My stomach started hurting and I had the beginning feelings of a fever and a cold. My night was then ruined even more by the wrenching of every muscle in my stomach when I started praying to the porcelain queen. This post is not to describe the way this upchuck looked or how miserable I felt, but to let everyone know that I have the most amazing husband in the ENTIRE world!!! Jamie took care of me better than anyone ever has throughout my life (and I seem to be sick a lot with many different "nurses") He stayed awake with me all night long because he knew how much I hate throwing up by myself because I'm scared of choking. This picture is of my nightstand and holds the things Jamie got up for all night and all day on Sunday to help me feel better. It includes: Saltine crackers to settle my stomach (didn't work :) ) , glass of decaf coke on ice, ice water, gatorade, chapstick, a hair tie so I didn't throw up on it, a thermometer, peanut butter crackers, my prenatal vitamins, benadryl, kleenex, a bucket to spew in, and a washcloth to wash my face. All I had to do was moan or move in bed and he would get up and ask what he could do for me! Sunday was spent on the coach and he only left my side a few times throughout the day. We watched movies, tv, and took naps. I still wasn't feeling good by Monday morning, so Jamie took the day off work to make sure I was okay and wouldn't need to go to the doctors. I feel so overwhelmed by the love he showed me during this miserable time. Sometimes I seem to forget just how much I truly do love him, and since I've been pregnant and hormonal, I have to admit I haven't been the nicest wife to have. I believe that God does work in very mysterious ways, and maybe I had to go through this to remember how much I appreciate my husband and not to take for granted the love we share. I have never felt more love than I did this weekend, and I hope to never forget this feeling.

Friday, December 12, 2008

New Updates

So, it's been a long time since I've posted my last blog. Our internet quit working would work one day and then be out for about a week. It's been kind of annoying for both of us, but I think it's back for at least a little while! :) However, I do have good news....I finally feel somewhat normal again!!! I haven't felt sick in about 3 days now which is a HUGE accomplishment. I have felt so secluded in the past 2 1/2 months because I've haven't been up to doing anything. I have become a complete couch potato. I realized during this time that I need activity in my life and I would not make a good hermit. I want out of my house more than anything by the time the day care kids are picked up. (Okay, so this has only been for the last 3 days since I only wanted to sleep all the days before this) :) We had 2 doctor's appointments last week. During the first the doctor voiced concern about our due date. Originally we were told that date was June 25, 2009, but when she looked at an ultrasound we had when I was 4 weeks, she realized I was 1 week further along. So, she scheduled another ultrasound....we were so excited and had to wait 2 WHOLE days until we could see our baby. It was amazing to see our little one and watch her move. It made all this sickness junk worth it!! It was determined that I was 1 week further along than expected...our new due date is June 18, 2009!! The best part of the day was that it took place on Jamie's 30th birthday! He said it was the best gift he could have ever been given!! The other gift I gave him was tickets to see the Temptations. (I really dislike them, but Jamie LOVES them) We are making the 2 hour trip to Merrillville tonight to see them and then returning afterward because he has a tournament game tomorrow morning. Nothing else new is happening in the Smith household, but stay posted because I am no longer a hermit and hope to start doing more exciting things very soon.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We have EXCITING News!!!

So, if you didn't already know....we are PREGNANT!!! I am only about 5 weeks, but it feels like a lifetime since we've had to keep this secret from all our family and friends! (we've only know for about 2 weeks but I am horrible at keeping happy secrets) We had big plans on when and how to tell our family about our news...we were going to wait until Christmas and wrap up an ultrasound picture in a frame to give to our parents as their presents. But, last Friday night I started feeling bad cramps that did not subside Saturday night, so Jamie took me to the emergency room just to ease my mind. The Doctor (who I didn't not like at all!) did not ease my mind...only made me feel even more scared. He said he believed I was having signs of an early miscarriage. I was so nervous, but I called an OB/GYN in Goshen who was able to schedule me for Wednesday...yesterday. This doctor was wonderful and showed us pictures of our baby. Okay, so it was more like a little black hole, but I immediately envisioned HER (yes, I want a girl!) with tiny little fingers and toes. He even gave us pictures to keep! We were so excited on the way home! I feel much more cramps...and a little less worried. There is still that chance that everything will go wrong, but I'm trying to think of the good things that are happening instead of the sick feeling in my stomach (morning sickness does NOT happen in the morning for all women...I get mine at about 5:00 at night until the next morning making it next to impossible to sleep) I can't believe I have to wait 8 more months until I get to hold little baby Smith.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Weekend Fun

We had a pretty busy but exciting weekend. Friday we went to a Rail Cats game with Jamie's best man, Rusty and his girlfriend Leslie. The Rail Cats are a semi-pro baseball team in Gary. We had a blast and although the game wasn't too exciting, we made our own fun. Then, on Saturday, I went with my sister Carey, neice Ally, and nephew Xavier to Great America while Jamie, Rusty, and Leslie went to the water park in Valpo. Jamie hates roller coasters so he chose not to go stand in long lines all day. I do not believe anyone should have allowed my sister and I to take this drive by ourselves...maybe we're not old enough at 26 & 27! We got very lost in Chicago, Schaumburg, and everywhere in between! Carey said it was like war...just when we thought we were winning or getting on the correct rode, the other warriors trotted up to the top of the huge hill and started charging down after us to claim their victory (We got lost again!) As we sat in the car for 2 hours waiting to be able to park inside the park, she declared that she had been slashed and the other team was beginning to win the war!! This made the time seem to go by much faster. Although we had some major setbacks before entering the park, as soon as we saw rides, I got to see the world through a child's eyes with my 7 year old nephew. He has never been to a big amusement park and never ridden an "Adult roller coaster" (as he put it). He rode his 1st upside down coaster and didn't scream or cry! As we stood in line for 3 HOURS, he was so nervous but also extremely made me nervous and excited too even though I'm a pro at these! The weather was perfect...not too hot and mostly cloudy! We thought all was well, until we went to our car at closing and had to sit in line for another 2 hours to leave the park...Carey declared we had been defeated in our war. I fell asleep at about 1 am and was woken at 2am to Carey screaming VICTORY>>>We won the war!!! We had finally made it home and she did not get lost on the way...only drove through 3 toll booths without paying...oops! (She had to go online and pay more than double the toll). I will never forget this special time since we defeated many wars that day!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Birthday Princess

I had a great weekend in Hebron with my family to celebrate my youngest neice Rayghan's 1st birthday party. Jamison and I arrived at my parent's house one hour prior to the start of the party to find all the decorations laying on the dining table. Since my sister is a huge procrastonator, we decided to help her set up the decorations. They were all tiaras and everything to do with being a princess! Rayghan just started walking on Friday and is already a pro. I love her to death, but she can be a drammmmmma queen and she knows it! She received many wonderful presents from family and friends; however the tissue paper seemed to be her favorite gift. Because I live 2 hours away from my family I haven't had the opportunity to watch her grow up the way I was able to do with all my other 5 neices and nephews. I miss this and dearly hope I can have the same close relationship with her that I have been able to create with all the others.

While my youngest neice was celebrating this milestone, my oldest neice, Vanessa, was celebrating her own. She moved out of her mom's house and into an apartment with her boyfriend! I felt very old as I took her guided tour and started remembering her 1st birthday party. The time truly does fly by. This weekend taught me to cherish every single moment and not to look too far into the future...enjoy the present and take every moment into your heart because before you know it your 1st birthday princess is 19 years old and all grown up.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sweet & Sour Weekend

Jamie and I went on a camping trip to Mississinewa Lake on Friday afternoon. We were looking forward to it all week. We had a yummy dinner, had snacks, and had a great conversation with our amazing friends, Jenn, Jess, Amos, Grace, Tyler (he didn't talk back too much...he likes to keep to himself more :) ) That night was miserable because we had some very disrespectful neighbors. They decided to keep the whole camp site awake with their loud music, drinking games, and some game called Celebrity...I guess it wasn't too bad since they taught me how to play games that they seemed to enjoy! They finally got too tired...or too 4 am. Saturday morning came and the girls decided to take a walk and play card games while the men played frisbee golf. Jenn started a raging fire since the boys were about 30 minutes late! After lunch we all went out on Amos and Jess's boat. The sun was shining and the water was just right. Most of us jumped into the water, including Ryker, Grace, and Tyler! Jenn had a caffeine headache (I guess you would call that an addiction to pop!), and Ryan (aka Butterfly!) slept on the boat because he was too tired after going down the slippery waterslide before getting into the boat.

After the boat ride, we went back to cook dinner. This is where the sour part comes in. My stomach started to get upset...not bad enough to skip out on chicken fingers(um..yummy!). I didn't sleep that entire night. Not only from the pain in my stomach, but also because of the unruly neighbors again!. At 3 am I asked Jamie if we could go home right away because all I wanted was my own bed and medicine. We waited until the first sunlight came out since we had to take down our tent and load up the car. I'm still sick, but I know there's light at the end of the tunnel since I haven't thrown up in about 12 hours! What an accomplishment! Jamie says I'm not allowed to go camping anymore because last year on the last day of camping I got vertigo! Even though both years have had setbacks, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. The sweet times we all have is well worth the sour times at the end!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happily Ever After

Hi everyone! I now have entered into the a whole new age...I have the internet and I now have my very own blog!! I'm like a whole new person. Thank you Melanie for teaching me how to start this; I truly appreciate it. My loving husband, Jamie, and I went to the Elkhart County Fair today to walk around and see all the booths...and of course test our taste buds. I would recommend the California Chicken Wrap at the Fajita booth. It was so yummy. Jamie took Jessica and Jenn's advice and went for the steak tips. He liked it, but would recommend buying a multiple amount since they don't fill you up; however they are $8 for a SMALL!

So, since this is my first time having a blog, I don't really know how they work. Do I tell the story of my life, my day, or how well I slept last night?? I'll start with a little information about myself. I grew up in a very small town called Hebron, IN as the youngest of 4 (2 sisters and 1 brother). I have 6 neices and nephews in ages ranging from 19 to 1. I met the love of my life in college at Purdue University North Central. He was on the basketball team and I was a cheerleader....ahhhh! I spotted the geeky redhead as he walked into the cafeteria and turned to my best friend, Sara, and said he had a lot of confidence, but he was too geeky and not my type. Two days later at a basketball game, I marched up to the top of the bleachers of the gym and declared to my parents that #40 (the same geeky redhead) was their future son-in-law and my husband! I hadn't even spoken to him yet (remember he still wasn't my type) We had a mutual friend who introduced us and he asked me out after a game. Our first date was on December 9, 2000! We went to see a children movie because it was the only movie playing at that time, walked (and sled) around K-Mart, then went to dinner with the girl who set us up. Not the best first date, but in that one night I realized something that set the rest of my life...this man was the man I truly was going to marry! Seven and a half years later, he proposed to me on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii at sunset!! It was almost the best day of my life. The next best day was our wedding day. We were just married on July 5, 2008! It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to (okay, so I'm a little partial)! It was my dream wedding and I truly felt like a princess for the entire day.

You heard about my day already.

I did not sleep well last night...the dog, cat, and Jamie seem to like my side of the bed the most!

I have an amazing husband, wonderful fat cat (Romeo), and a wild (but sweet) dog (Ryker), but even as important, we are surrounded my a very warm and loving circle of family and friends. I have met some amazing people since I moved to Goshen 2 years ago. Jamie knew them before me, but they welcomed me into their lives with open arms and loving hearts. I have to say thank you to Jessica, Jenn, Alicia, Melanie, and all the others that have given me the opportunity to become so close. I cherish these friendships dearly.

Sorry this is so long, but I really don't know what I'm supposed to say. I work on it for next time.